Apr 24 10:08 AM


Apr 24 10:08 AM
Apr 24 10:08 AM

GEAR UP! A common phrase heard in the military. When the commander gives that order, it means grab what you need and get ready, because it's time to move forward!

Here at KiDs Beach Club®, we are making plans to GEAR UP! for the summer and continue our mission of empowering Christ-followers to innovatively take the message of Christ to kids.

Without a doubt, GEAR UP! is a directive from our commanding officer, but it is also a challenge. Giving to non-profit organizations significantly drops during the summer months. At KiDs Beach Club®, the months of May through July are the leanest ones in the year. We are GEARING UP for an incredible fall with a focus on growing our Clubs, but we need your help now.

In the month of May, we are boldly asking each of you to help us GEAR UP! for the lean months ahead. You're gift will help us continue to give every preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience! 

Gearing up to give is easy, too! Either scan the QR Code, click on the GEAR UP! button below, text GEARUPKBC to 41444, or just click over to the GEAR UP page on our website!

GEAR UP! Will culminate on a focused day of giving, Thursday May 30th, but you can give all throughout the month!

Apr 23 10:25 AM


Apr 23 10:25 AM
Apr 23 10:25 AM

In the spring of 2023, First Baptist Church of Plant City, Florida, began partnering with KiDs Beach Club®. As the volunteers faithfully served at Springhead Elementary, Father has honored their efforts and been so faithful with tangible results. They have seen students get saved, and as a result, moms and yes, even teachers have accepted Christ!

Bill Bender, who teaches the Bible Connection time each week during Club recently shared an incredible God-story with us, and we can’t wait to share it with you! You see, each week in Club, Bill carefully shares the Gospel message and plan of salvation. He is careful to not push children into making a decision for Christ, knowing it’s the most important decision any child or adult could make in their lifetime. Instead, he explains the Gospel message carefully, gives an invitation to accept Jesus and His plan of salvation, and always leaves the door open for questions. 

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when Olivia, a 4th grader who has been enrolled in Beach Club since last year, came up to Mr. Bill with a challenge: "I just can't believe someone died and came back alive."

Mr. Bill talked with her some more and explained that she was right, people don’t just rise from the dead. But Jesus was not just any person! He was and is God Almighty, and when He rose from the dead, He conquered sin and He conquered death forever, making a way for us to have a relationship with Him.

Skeptical still, Olivia left, having given Mr. Bill her objective decision on this whole “Jesus rising from the dead” matter.

But the story doesn't end there! Last week during Beach Club®, Olivia once again approached Mr. Bill.

This time, she had just two words: “I believe.”

Mr. Bill asked Olivia to clarify. “What is it you believe?”

Olivia responded, “I believe He is alive. I believe He did rise from the dead!”

Mr. Bill then asked Olivia if she was ready to accept God’s free gift of salvation, and again, she responded with two glorious words: “I’M READY!”

So sitting on a table in the library of Springhead Elementary School, Olivia made the most important decision for herself that she could ever make in her lifetime. She prayed, telling God that she believed He rose from the dead and that He was the only way to heaven, and she asked Him to forgive her of her sins, come into her life, and save her.

Olivia is a beautiful testimony of the Holy Spirit’s power to call people to Himself, in His time. It’s also a reminder for the rest of us that we are not selling a Gospel message. Our job is to present it to anyone and everyone who will listen, pray that all will accept it, and understand that sadly, many will reject it. But praise God for Olivia, who worked through the questions and reasoned out the truth to realize for herself that Jesus did indeed rise from the dead! Because of it, those two words were life-changing: I BELIEVE!

Take a moment and pray for Olivia. Pray for Mr. Bill and the rest of his team as they follow-up with Olivia and her family. Friends, this is what it’s all about, isn’t it? The angels are rejoicing today over Olivia’s decision and those two powerful words: I BELIEVE!


Mar 20 2:06 PM

Upcoming Can't Miss Event: Dallas/Ft. Worth Area

Mar 20 2:06 PM
Mar 20 2:06 PM

The Premiere of KiDs Beach Club® Television, Season 3!




We are just DAYS away from the Premiere event for KiDs Beach Club® Television Season Three, and THERE'S STILL ROOM FOR YOU TO JOIN US!

Come walk the red carpet with the stars of the show, get autographs and pictures, and enjoy this FREE evening!

Reserve your spot today by scanning the QR code below or click the button TO RSVP.




Mar 20 1:11 PM


Mar 20 1:11 PM
Mar 20 1:11 PM


World Down Syndrome Day was last week, and we had a special social media post to honor the day.
In case you missed it, be sure to check out the details below and watch the award-winning episode inspired by Logan and her family!

Mar 20 12:57 PM


Mar 20 12:57 PM
Mar 20 12:57 PM


Positioned in the open area of Sunnyvale Intermediate School in Sunnyvale, Texas, is a massive 2-story corkscrew slide that culminates in the school's open-pit library.

Entrance to the slide is usually blocked off, as school administration is careful to reserve this experience for only the most special of occasions.

And special it was, because on February 14th, not only was it Valentine's Day, but it was Great Treasure Day for this school and its church partner First Baptist Church Sunnyvale! In honor of this special day for its Beach Club®, Principal Sara Staley opened up the slide to every child who was receiving their very own KiDs Beach Club® Study Bible! An exception was made for the first one down the slide, because he had his own Bible: Dr. Deron Biles, pastor of our partnering church.

We love hearing stories like this and seeing communities come together to celebrate the Great Treasure of God's Word! Enjoy the pictures below, especially the one of Dr. Biles making his landing!


Mar 20 11:46 AM


Mar 20 11:46 AM
Mar 20 11:46 AM

Ray and Nancy Baldwin, Turning Point Church, Crowley, Texas


Ray and Nancy Baldwin have been long-time advocates for KiDs Beach Club®. For more than 10 years, they have been Club leaders and eyewitnesses to the transformational impact that a Beach Club® can have in their community and their church.

But like many Club leaders since the pandemic, the Baldwins have experienced a major decline in weekly Beach Club® attendance. Their Club at Poynter Elementary School went from an average of 120 students each week to having only 20-30 each week. They've scratched their heads and tried to figure out the "why." Ultimately, they just kept pressing on, doing what God had called them to do to reach their community. Their job was to be obedient, and it was God's job to provide the kids. Well, we are here to tell you that God did indeed provide the kids...just not in the way they expected!

Every Tuesday, the Baldwins faithfully serve Poynter Elementary School through their Beach Club®. For years now, they have taken every opportunity to love on the school faculty and staff and be used however needed. Little did they know that their faithfulness would open BIG doors to minister to the entire student body! You see, school administrators recently asked Ray and Nancy to teach all 448 students about character every single Thursday. When asked if they would commit to this, they asked what parameters they had to follow. The answer was an astounding, "None. We trust you!" So on top of their Tuesday Beach Club®, they now teach the entire student body about character every Thursday!

God is rewarding their efforts, too. Since this new opportunity, they have seen students stop the principal in the hallway and pray for her on the spot. Another student told them, "I blessed my teacher today." When they asked how, the student replied, "I prayed for her." You know you're doing something right when you see the change right before your eyes, and that's a pretty exciting thing!

A few weeks ago, one student became very ill and fell unconscious. Paramedics were called on the scene, and emergency vehicles arrived, causing the school to be on lockdown. In God's providence, Ray and Nancy were already on the school campus when all this was taking place. Students were upset and afraid, and school administrators asked the Baldwins to station themselves in the school cafeteria, just in case any students needed to talk or wanted to pray. Ray and Nancy prayed for the student, and all across the room, students and teachers began praying. Afterward, the principal began walking toward the front. Ray and Nancy both wondered if their prayers were not well-received, but instead, the principal just gave them a big hug. "This was exactly the best response to the situation. Thank you!"

You know, none of these open doors in the community would be open if it weren't for Ray and Nancy's initial commitment to lead a Beach Club®, week after week, year after year. Beach Club® opened the door, but it was the faithfulness of the Baldwins to constantly look for new ways to reach their community that kept that door open, despite having a smaller number of kids in Club.

Thank you, Ray and Nancy, for once again sharing your great stories with us and for impacting your community, giving every boy and girl at Poynter Elementary a Jesus Experience!

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