Ready to Volunteer in a Beach Club®?


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Volunteer Positions

Volunteer teams are at the core of KiDs Beach Club®. We firmly believe in a team approach to effective ministry and the importance of connecting with kids in small groups.

Beach Clubs® are led by teams of volunteers working together to provide a cohesive Bible teaching experience for kids. Depending on Club size, volunteers may serve in multiple roles. Smaller Clubs may have fewer volunteers, each serving in multiple leadership roles. Large Clubs typically have a separate person serving in each unique leadership role. All Clubs must maintain a 1:10 adult to child ratio.

Church Coordinator

The Church Coordinator is the point of contact between the school, the Club, and KiDs Beach Club®, handling administrative details required for all partnering churches. Church Coordinators are often, but not always, a minister on staff at the partnering church. Church Coordinators offer support and guidance to the Club leadership.

Club Leader

The Club Leader coordinates a volunteer team to provide all of the activities of the Beach Club®. The Club Leader is the communication link between the partnering church and the partnering school. The Club Leader is accountable to both KiDs Beach Club® and the partnering church for implementing and maintaining all KiDs Beach Club® policies and procedures.

Surf Team Leaders

Surf Team Leaders are responsible for a surf team (small group) of 6-10 students and are the core of effective Beach Club® ministry. In addition to leading two small group segments (Get Connected and Surf Team Time), Surf Team Leaders sit with their Surf Teams during all large group activities. The number of Surf Team Leaders needed depends on the number of kids in your Club.

The goal of a Surf Team Leader is to make a positive personal connection with each preteen assigned to his or her Surf Team. You can maximize those personal connections between leaders and kids by providing plenty of Surf Team Leaders and keeping surf team sizes small.

Snack Queen/King

The Snack Queen/King ensures arrival of snacks, sets up the refreshments area, supervises consumption and ensures area is left clean.

(This position is optional, depending on the partner church preference.)

Worship Leader

The Worship Leader leads active and focused worship with the goal of pointing kids’ attention toward God and preparing their hearts to hear the Bible teaching.

Memory Link Leader

The Memory Link Leader places an emphasis on the Bible by presenting a Bible skill, teaching the weekly memory verse, and leading an active Bible memory game.

Bible Connection Leader

The Bible Connection Leader presents a story from the Bible, making it come alive for kids and connecting it to the Gospel of Jesus. This person should be a mature believer who is dynamic, engaging and has the gift of teaching.

Decision Counselor

Decision Counselors are those people who are trained to counsel and pray with individual kids who may respond after Bible Connection. Typically, the Bible Connection Leader serves as the primary decision counselor. Surf Team Leaders are also trained to talk with kids about a spiritual question or decision.

Review Game Leader

The Review Game Leader facilitates the Make-It-Stick Review Game, which is an active review of material covered in each session. 

Record Keeper

The Record Keeper keeps careful records of attendance in the KiDs Online Management System™, leads registration and check-in, is responsible for name tags, attendance sheets, and reports to the church all the prospects, professions of faith, Bible recipients and follow-up.



The Timekeeper keeps everyone on time so you can have smooth, successful transitions. It is important to stay on schedule in order to complete all elements of the Beach Club® curriculum. 

Outreach Leader

The Outreach Leader coordinates the Club in connecting kids and families to the local partnering church. This individual follows- up with kids who make professions of faith, notifying their families and inviting them to the partnering church for ongoing discipleship.

Teen Helpers

The Teen Helpers are high school students who wish to serve in a Beach Club®.  Teen helpers may not lead their own surf team and do not count in the 1:10 adult-to-student ratio.


Lifeguards are a group of people who are not able to serve weekly in the Club, but they commit to supporting the Club in other ways. Some examples include praying for kids, substituting as needed, helping with advance preparation, or participating in follow- up contacts of kids and families.

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