Sep 24 10:09 AM

The Power of Support! - GEM Story

Sep 24 10:09 AM
Sep 24 10:09 AM

When Emmitt Smith, the all-time leading rusher in the NFL, was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, he gave an inspiring speech, starting off by thanking his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for blessing him with the talent to do what he did for his career.

During his speech, he thanked many of his former teammates, but only one of them brought Emmitt to tears. That was Daryl “Moose” Johnston, the Dallas Cowboys fullback that had “plowed the road” ahead of Emmitt for years.

Emmitt, through the tears streaming down his face, said that he could not have done what he did in his career without the sacrifices Daryl made to give him the opens lanes he sprinted through. He told Daryl in front of the world, “Without you, I know today would not have been possible.”

In the same sense, KiDs Beach Club® couldn’t do the work we do without our faithful monthly supporters. KBC GEMs (Give Every Month) are our CHAMPIONS because you remove the “financial” roadblocks we face so our ministry can move forward to reach children and their families for Jesus Christ!

Your faithful monthly donation helps KiDs Beach Club® better plan financially by providing stability to our budget and expanding our joint ministry.

Monthly donations are easy and automatic! No having to remember to send a check or go online… just set up once and you’re done! Become our newest GEM Champion today by clicking on the link in this email. Signing up is fast and easy.

THANK YOU for your faithful monthly support of KiDs Beach Club®! You are our Hall of Famers!



THANK YOU for your faithful monthly support of KiDs Beach Club®.


Sep 24 9:36 AM

Exciting Kickoff: KiDs Beach Clubs® are Back!

Sep 24 9:36 AM
Sep 24 9:36 AM

We’re thrilled to announce that KiDs Beach Clubs® are back in action! After a refreshing break, our clubs are buzzing with energy as kids return to learn about Jesus in schools across the country.

This year, we’ve already witnessed 13 incredible professions of faith! It’s a powerful reminder of the impact we can make when we come together to share the life-changing message of Christ. With 98 clubs now operating nationwide, more public school children than ever are experiencing the love of Jesus and discovering that faith can be both fun and relevant.

Our goal is to make Jesus cool at school, and with your support, we’re doing just that! Kids are engaging with Bible stories, building friendships, and developing a strong foundation of faith. We can’t wait to share some amazing photos from our first gatherings—moments filled with laughter, learning, and connection.

Thank you for being part of this journey with us. Your support helps make these moments possible, and together, we’re creating a culture where faith is celebrated and embraced in schools.

Stay tuned for more updates and inspiring stories from our clubs as the year unfolds. Let’s keep the momentum going and continue to make a difference in the lives of these incredible kids!



Sep 23 10:22 AM

2024 North Texas Giving Day

Sep 23 10:22 AM
Sep 23 10:22 AM

Thank You for Your Incredible Support!

Thanks to your generosity, our recent North Texas Giving Day campaign was a resounding success, exceeding our fundraising goal of $30,000! We are beyond grateful for every gift because they help us to continue to share God’s Word with children around the world.

As we reflect on Philippians 2:13, which reminds us that God is always at work in our lives, we see this in action through your support of KiDs Beach Club®. Together, we are part of a divine mission to reach preteens with the life-saving message of Jesus. Your contributions allow us to provide a strong foundation of faith and integrity for children who need it most.

It's not too late to support KiDs Beach Club® by texting KBC2024 to 41444 or Click Here. Your continued support is vital as we strive to give every child a transformative Jesus experience.

Thank you once again for your incredible generosity. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of children, showing them that they are loved and valued. Let’s keep the momentum going!

2024 Leadership Luaus
Sep 23 10:07 AM

2024 Leadership Luaus

Sep 23 10:07 AM
Sep 23 10:07 AM

Back Together: KiDs Beach Club® Brings In-Person Leadership Luaus Nationwide

For the first time since Covid hit in 2020, KiDs Beach Club® hosted nationwide training for club leaders and volunteers. These “Leadership Luaus” gave attendees the opportunity to learn how clubs are run, hear helpful tips from experienced leaders, and celebrate our shared mission to make Jesus cool at school! Participants also enjoyed fun prizes and united in prayer for the kids who will be impacted through KiDs Beach Club®.

Luaus were held in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, and Kentucky. Churches across the country rallied their Beach Club® volunteers, with some even going the extra mile, literally, by bringing a full busload of volunteers to participate!

Did the attendees find the Luaus valuable? Listen to what they had to say:

  • “Thank you, KBC, for your continued leadership in sharing the Gospel. It was a wonderful training.” – Dallas Region Luau Attendee
  • “I am so excited to start the new year!!!” – First Conyers (Georgia) Luau Attendee
  • “Had such a sweet time! Thank you all for everything! Looking forward to a fantastic KiDs Beach Club® year!” – Ellendale (Tennessee) Luau Attendee
  • “It was a great experience!” – First Conyers (Georgia) Luau Attendee

We were so excited to have everyone back in person and are deeply grateful for the wonderful turnout. Keep an eye on the KBC website for photos and videos from all our 2024 Fall Luaus. We can’t wait to share more with you!

Aug 07 10:39 AM

North Texas Giving Day is September 19!

Aug 07 10:39 AM
Aug 07 10:39 AM

North Texas Giving Day is September 19!

September 19 is North Texas Giving Day (NTXGD), one of our three major annual fundraising opportunities.

As has been the case for the past few years, KBC will be featured on WBAP-AM (820) in the North Texas area for two weeks leading up to NTXGD. On the evening of the 19th, KBC will be featured LIVE on the Chris Krok show.

Chris focuses on family, faith, and wholesome values on his nightly talk show. In 2011, he was honored as one of the 100 most important Radio Talk Show Hosts in America, by being added to “Talkers” magazine’s “Heavy Hundred” list, ranking him among the biggest Talk Radio Stars in the U.S.

KiDs Beach Club® is BUILDING FAITH in preteens and their families around the world. We need your help in continuing to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

How can you help? Simply text KBC2024 to 41444 to support our NTXGD campaign. Or go to and enter your gift there.

God has placed in our hearts a big goal for NTXGD because we have a BIG GOD who is changing lives and making it happen!

Aug 07 10:35 AM

The Power of Determination!

Aug 07 10:35 AM
Aug 07 10:35 AM

It’s been 60 years, but the incredible Olympic victory of American Billy Mills in the 1964 10,000-meter race stands as one of the greatest moments in Olympic history.

Born on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, Billy was orphaned at 12 years old. He struggled to find direction in his life, but ended up attending college on an athletic scholarship. After graduation, Mills joined the U.S. Marine Corps, where he found a running coach and through hard work and sheer willpower, he qualified for the 1964 Olympics.

But Billy wasn’t considered the best. He came in second in the Olympic trials, and his best time in the 10,000-meter race was almost two minutes slower than the world record. But during the actual race, Billy found the determination to become a CHAMPION!

As the runners came around the final turn in the race, Billy was well behind the leaders. But he gathered all the determination he could muster and began a sprint that is legendary in the track and field world. He sprinted past runner after runner, finally passing the leader with just steps left before the finish line. In winning, he set a new Olympic record.

Determination is a powerful thing! And KBC is determined to achieve our mission of giving every preteen a Jesus experience. But we also need determined, faithful ministry partners to come alongside us to make that happen.

Your regular monthly gift provides stability to KBC so we can more effectively accomplish our goal. Regular monthly gifts help reduce the “highs and lows” of giving cycles, and provide financial stability that is vital to help us stay focused.

Our faithful monthly givers are OUR CHAMPIONS! Become a GEM (Gives Every Month) today by clicking on the QR Code. Signing up to become a KBC GEM is fast and easy.


THANK YOU for your faithful monthly support of KiDs Beach Club®.


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