Current Opportunity...
GEAR UP! May Month of Giving (May)
Giving to non-profit organizations typically falls off during the summer months. Each year, KiDs Beach Club® experiences similar trends, and the lean months of May, June, and July are when we need the funds to GEAR UP! for the exciting things God has in store for us in the fall...things like giving every preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience through our school clubs! Any gift, no matter how large or small, will help us GEAR UP! for what God has planned!
Year-Round Opportunities...
Choose to make your gift recurring and become a KBC GEM.
KiDs Beach Club® has many faithful monthly donors we affectionately call "GEMS." These are our partners who Give Every Month! These partners in ministry provide recurring financial support that help underwrite the operational costs of the ministry.
Every Beach Club® has one special day during the Club year called "Great Treasure Day." This is the day that every child in every Beach Club® receives their very own copy of God's Word - at no cost to them or our partner churches! This initiative puts Bibles in the hands of kids, many of whom are receiving the very first copy of God's Word in the whole household!
Leave a Lasting Legacy
Start a conversation today about how you can leave a lasting legacy by partnering with KiDs Beach Club® as a KBC Legacy Ambassador or by becoming a KBC Legacy Member.
Other Special Giving Opportunities
Year-End Giving (December)
Frequently, many KBC donors display year-end generosity with a gift to our ministry. With KBC being an IRS qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, year-end giving allows donors to beat the December 31 deadline for calendar year tax deductions.
GEAR UP! May Month of Giving (May)
Giving to non-profit organizations typically falls off during the summer months. Each year, KiDs Beach Club experiences similar trends, and the lean months of May, June, and July are when we need the funds to GEAR UP! for the exciting things God has in store for us in the fall...things like giving every preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience through our school clubs! Any gift, no matter how large or small, will help us GEAR UP! for what God has planned!
North Texas Giving Day (September)
North Texas Giving Day is the largest community-wide giving event in the nation. Since its inception in 2009, this online event has transformed from an idea to help local people give wisely to a movement that has ignited a broad culture of community-wide giving. KBC proudly joins with Community Foundations of Texas on NTXGD each year. You can participate by giving to KiDs Beach Club® directly or through the North Texas Giving Day website.