KiDs Beach Club® Leadership Luau Spring Training

Finishing Strong in the Second Half of Beach Club!


A special invitation from Dawna Duke, 
who will lead our session on children's praise and worship.


Keynote Speakers

Be inspired and encouraged by powerful keynote addresses:
Dawna DukeChildren's Worship Leader & Instructional Coach
Jack Terrell, KBC President & Founder
Dr. David Vroonland, Superintendent, Mesquite ISD

Dallas/Fort Worth
9 a.m. - Noon
8001 Mustang Dr.
Irving, TX 75063


Leadership Luau Spring Training Workshops

Leadership Luau Spring Training sessions feature workshops that you requested during the process of filling out the post-training survey after the Leadership Luau last fall.  


Public School Safety
Hear from the experts about school safety - lockdowns, tornado/hurricane drills, etc. Find out how to respond quickly and effectively.

Surf Team Time - Make the Minutes Count!
Kids distracted? Snacks taking too long? Too many side conversations? This session will help you focus on just the right stuff to make the minutes count in surf team time.

KOMS: Above and Beyond
What can KOMS do for you besides attendance, Bibles and professions of faith? Come and see how the tools in KOMS (KiDs Online Management System) will make you the expert to expand your KBC ministry into your church and beyond.

I Asked Jesus to be My Forever Friend, Now What?
When a child makes Jesus his/her forever friend, what is the next step? Discover our brand new booklet, "Jesus, Baptism and Me." Pastor Kirk Zehnder, who wrote the book, will present this workshop with tools to connect both the child and family to assist in their spiritual growth.

Fads and Trends for Kids in 2018 and How to Respond!
Stay on top of the latest fads, trends and activities for kids in your Beach Club. Find out how these will affect their behaviors and interests in club with some fun, creative ways to boost attention


Parking at the DFW Spring Training

KBC Leadership Luau Spring Training in DFW will be held at MacArthur Boulevard Baptist Church in Irving. Please note that parking will be on the nortwest side of the building. Enter the campus off Rangview Dr. and follow the signs to park behind "The Bridge."


Jack Terrell, the president and founder of KiDs Beach Club®, invites you to take advantage of these workshops to help you FINISH STRONG in the second half of Beach Club.



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