Give a Year End Gift for Bibles for Beach Club
Picture this... A Beach Club child is waiting with a look of great anticipation as his or her Beach Club leader is about to announce who will receive the KiDs Beach Club® Devotional Bible this week. Now feel the excitement as that look of anticipation turns to sheer joy as their name is called and they are given their very own copy of God's Word. Some kids clutch it tight to their chest, others raise it in the air and nearly all of them want their picture taken when they get it. It is such a great part of Beach Club!
KiDs Beach Club® is unlike any other afterschool program because while the kids enjoy a snack and play games, they also get to learn important character words that they'll use for the rest of their lives. So far this school year, we've talked about such character building traits as having confidence, generosity, determination, love, orderliness, patience, responsibility, humility, obedience, thankfulness and respect.
We spotlight one character word each week from a story in the Bible. Take the word "confidence" for example. When the children see how Jesus had the power to calm a giant storm and save the lives of his disciples in Mark 4:35-41, they see that they too can have confidence in Him for the storms of their lives. The Bible is filled with so many inspirational stories that provide hope for us on a daily basis. Because it is important to us to give children a vision of hope for the future, this spring, we will be providing every child in every Beach Club, their very own KiDs Beach Club® Explorer's Study Bible.
We are thrilled to be handing out over 10,000 KiDs Beach Club® Explorer's Study Bibles to kids around the country in an effort we call, Bibles for Beach Club. Will you consider joining us in this effort? A monthly gift will sustain the ongoing commitment to provide children in every Beach Club their very own copy of God's Word in 2015 and beyond.
There are several giving opportunities available. Simply click here to give a gift today. You can set up future gifts as well. You may also write a check if you prefer and put it in the mail to us at KiDs Beach Club, PO Box 635, Euless, TX 76039-0635. KiDs Beach Club® is a non-profit 501c3 and all donations to Bibles for Beach Club are tax-deductible.
Thank you for your support of KiDs Beach Club® and participating with us in connecting kids to Christ and putting Bibles in their hands. Together, we are making Jesus Cool at School!®
Published on Dec 15 @ 9:48 AM CDT