Jun 30
1:23 PM
'Hang 10' Summer Reading Program Continues into July
Jun 30
1:23 PM
Jun 30
1:23 PM

The June plan looked back at lessons your children learned last year during Beach Club. In July, the plan focuses on the 24 character words taught during Beach Club, reinforcing the actions that are likely already being taught in your child's school. KiDs Beach Club®emphasizes the character of God and teaches these character words through the lens of scripture.
The Summer Bible Reading isn't just for kids! We are encouraging everyone to "Hang 10" this summer. Parents, teachers and club volunteers can lead by example and spend at least 10 minutes each day with God through Bible reading and prayer.
Be sure to follow our social media accounts where we'll post daily reminders about the Summer Reading Program. We'd love for you to share the reminders with your friends using your own social media accounts or by forwarding this email to all your friends using the "forward" link near the bottom of this email.
As always, we would love to see pictures of your children reading their KBC Bible, especially when they're reading it on your family vacation. Please tag us in your social media posts with hashtags #KiDsBeachClub or #Hang10SRP or email them to us at photos@beachclubs.org.
Published on Jun 30 @ 1:23 PM CDT