KiDs Beach Club® Joining Forces to Help ‘Awaken America’
As thousands of Southern Baptist churches from around the country gather in St. Louis for the SBC Annual Meeting next month, KiDs Beach Club® will feature a booth in the exhibit hall to encourage church leaders take the message of Christ outside their walls and into public schools in their communities.
“The Lord has blessed KBC with 127 partnering churches who are actively connecting kids to Christ and putting Bibles in their hands in 170 schools throughout eight states,” said Jack Terrell, founder and president of KiDs Beach Club®. “Our vision is to provide every 3rd through 6th grade boy and girl in America, a Jesus experience within the culture of their public school. Please join us in prayer for many fruitful conversations with these church leaders as we introduce them to our ministry and ask them to consider partnering with us.”
The theme of this year’s SBC Annual Meeting is “Awaken America” and organizers are hoping that the week of June 12-15 in St. Louis sparks a revival among churches in order for our nation to experience the next great awakening.
Johnny Hunt, the pastor of First Baptist Church in Woodstock, Ga. has already set forth an eye-opening challenge for church leaders by saying, “I've never seen a generation so focused on defining the Gospel, but so uninterested in sharing it.” Hunt will be one of the featured speakers at the Pastors’ Conference, which will also include a message from Byron McWilliams, the lead pastor at First Baptist Church Odessa.
McWilliams will be challenging thousands of pastors to lead the way by starting to use several tools to equip, engage and empower their congregations to win their communities for Christ. KiDs Beach Club® is one of the tools that McWilliams has been using to reach children and their families at three Odessa elementary schools. He plans to share how KBC has helped his church identify unchurched children within the schools and accelerated open doors for spiritual conversations with other family members at their homes.
“It’s (KBC) a key piece of what we do in our overall evangelism strategy at First Odessa because it works," McWilliams said.
Click the links for more information: SBC Annual Meeting | SBC Pastors’ Conference
Published on May 26 @ 10:19 AM CDT