Mar 27 7:36 PM

Cultivating (and KEEPING!) Volunteers

Mar 27 7:36 PM
Mar 27 7:36 PM

In this month's podcast, Dr. Frank Banfill sits down with KBC's Volunteers Director Steve Brines to candidly talk about volunteering, including many of the common mistakes that we make when recruiting volunteers for church work. 

If you are involved in volunteering, recruiting volunteers, or feeling burned out in your role, this podcast is a must-watch. Keep reading for highlights from their conversation, or hop on over to our podcast page to watch the full episode.

"If you're in a church leadership position, and you're good at making things look like there's nothing wrong in your ministry, the best thing you can do to grow your ministry long-term might mean to let things fall apart. ...We do such a good job at covering up our deficiencies, and we make it look like we've got it all together." -- Steve Brines, KBC's Volunteers Director


Tips for cultivating and matching people with volunteer opportunities:

  • Encourage the volunteer to lean into who they are and their natural giftset.
  • Align personalities with the role, but don't make assumptions either.
  • Equip your volunteers. Don't just throw them into the deep end.
  • Follow the model: I do, you watch. You do, I watch. You do.
  • Don't lower the bar for expectation and requirement for volunteers.
  • Raise the expectation for what it means to be part of a team!
  • Involve your volunteers! The more involved they are, the more committed.

We can serve where we're needed or we can serve where we're called. Sometimes filling in where we're needed is more short-term or seasonal, but if we're serving where we're called and gifted, that will be more long-term.

Wherever you are in life, we encourage you to get involved! Don't be a spectator - Christianity is not a spectator sport!


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