Mar 29 1:54 PM

KiDs Beach Club® has Energized Wildwood Baptist Church

Mar 29 1:54 PM
Mar 29 1:54 PM

When Wildwood Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas decided to partner with KiDs Beach Club® to start a club at Moss Elementary, they were like a lot of churches in America today. The church was very inward focused and didn’t offer many programs outside their church and in their community. 

As they started preparing for their first Beach Club in the fall of 2016, the church was nervous to go outside its walls. Church leaders were worried about how they were going to balance the ministry. They were also concerned about how they would serve so many kids in their club. 

But, Matthew 28:19 resonated in the hearts of the congregation. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” They knew KiDs Beach Club® was the push they needed to get up and go!

Wildwood Baptist’s Beach Club averages close to 100 students each week, and it hasn’t even finished its first year.

“Luckily we serve a big God and he had a reason for connecting us with KBC,” Kyle Stewart, the club leader at Moss Elementary, said.

The whole church has bonded together around KiDs Beach Club® and has embraced the children and teachers at Moss Elementary even beyond that of only serving with them for one hour one day a week. 

“Being a part of KiDs Beach Club® seemed to light a fire in our church,” Stewart said. “We are 100 percent more outwardly focused than before.” 

Most uniquely, Wildwood has a group of women who participate in a sewing ministry. 

For Great Treasure Day at Moss, the women decided to sew each child a cover and bookmark they would distribute with each of the KBC Explorer Study Bibles. Now, each of these women also serve in KiDs Beach Club® as surf team leaders.




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