Help Us Give KiDs Bibles

Because it is important to us to give children a vision of hope for the future, we are providing every child in every Beach Club their very own KiDs Beach Club® Explorer's Study Bible. We are thrilled to be handing out thousands of these Bibles to kids around the country in an effort we call our, Bibles for Beach Club Program. Your monthly gift will sustain the ongoing committment to provide children in every Beach Club their very own copy of God's Word. Our Bibles for Beach Club Program covers but is not limited to the purchase of the Bible and all costs associated with getting that Bible into the hands of the child including of storage, shipping, design and marketing.

YES! I will support the Bibles for Beach Club Program




*Total initial cost of this initiative based on projected growth to 300 Beach Clubs with average club size of 80 students.
KiDs Beach Club® is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax deductible as allowable by the IRS.

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