Aug 01
7:56 AM
Summer Reading Plan - August
Aug 01
7:56 AM
Aug 01
7:56 AM
We hope and pray that your time of Bible reading and study has been fruitful this summer. God promises His Word will never return void. The final installment of the KiDs Beach Club® Summer Reading Plan is ready. During the month of August you will get a preview of Bible Stories and Memory Links coming in Beach Club this year. You can download the August Reading Plan here or visit our website for all three months.
Help put a Bible in the hands of every Beach Club child!
Another school year is just around the corner. In just about two months thousands of kids will be flooding gymnasiums and cafeterias when the final school bell rings. They will be coming to KiDs Beach Club® where they will learn from the Bible what God has to say to them.
We are getting the Bible back into public schools. Since the beginning, the Bible has been the centerpiece of KiDs Beach Club®. Each year, every Beach Club has received 12 Bibles per semester to give away to kids during club. The same will remain true this Fall 2014 semester, but starting in the Spring 2015 semester we want every child in Beach Club to receive a Bible. With an anticipated enrollment of 24,000 that is a big, and exciting, task. Will you join us? Be a part of getting the Bible back into public schools.

Published on Aug 01 @ 7:56 AM CDT