May 04 1:14 PM

COVID-19 Creates Opportunities and Needs

May 04 1:14 PM
May 04 1:14 PM

North Texas Giving Tuesday Now is rallying the community to aid non-profits including KiDs Beach Club® on the front lines of the COVID-19 response and will be held on Tuesday, May 5 from 6 a.m. - midnight. This is a special campaign of North Texas Giving Day, which is powered by Communities Foundation of Texas.

COVID-19 social distancing restrictions has created an urgent financial need after forcing the postponement of the KiDs Beach Club® Bibles for Beach Club Benefit Dinner at Texas Motor Speedway, originally scheduled for April 24.  That event annually funds the purchase of Study Bibles that go to children who attend their after-school Bible clubs in public schools.  Every one of the children in Beach Club get a study Bible and often it’s the first Bible in that family’s home.

It’s a tremendous need to get these Bibles ordered so the 10-thousand kids can get God’s Word in their schools and in their homes this fall.  One Bible only costs $20.  What an incredible impact you can make in a child’s life by giving this gift to a child. North Texas Giving Tuesday Now provides organizations such as KBC the opportunity to make up for the losses suffered by the pandemic.  If you would like to participate, please click here to make your donation.

To minister in the wake of the pandemic, KBC filled the gap of school closures by providing Beach Club at HOME videos for families so that they could provide their children with a sense of normalcy during the school closures.  Families throughout our community were equipped with opportunities to have spiritual conversations with their children through these resources. 

“As we all struggle to adjust to the realities of ministry in the days of this overwhelming pandemic, we are reminded of the importance of looking ahead. Social distancing will pass, our churches will assemble again, and schools will resume classes,” said Jack Terrell, founder and president of KBC.  “We are looking forward to Beach Club resuming as well—not just in our current 210 schools but hopefully many, many more.”

Click here to listen to an interview with Jack Terrell on The Chris Krok Show on WBAP Radio.


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