Model That Works

What is Your Evangelism Strategy?

  Tabernacle Church in Ennis, TX
sponsors KiDs Beach Club®
at Lummus Intermediate
and Tabernacle volunteers
minister to Hannah who

loves attending Beach Club.

KBC provides a connection point for a CWT team at Tabernacle Church to visit Hannah at her home.

   Grateful for ministry to Hannah
at KBC, mother, Jessica, warmly
welcomes CWT team inside her home,
hears Gospel and accepts
Jesus as her Lord and Savior.
  Jessica, Hannah and Julianna
are now active and growing
members of Tabernacle Church.


"As the Pastor of Tabernacle, I was blessed to see God use KiDs Beach Club®, our Can We Talk evangelism strategy and our one-on-one discipleship ministry to reach Jessica with the Gospel and change her eternal destiny.

"Just wow! I stand amazed. I truly believe the key factor in all of this was KiDs Beach Club® who allowed us to meet Jessica. May this type of thing continue to happen in communities all across America!"

Todd Gray, Senior Pastor
Tabernacle Church, Ennis, Texas


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